
上周六,上海大学为284名毕业生举行了告别仪式, 5月21日在圣母升天大教堂. 在一个美丽的仪式上, the Class of 2016 Valedictorian and Salutatorian addressed their fellow classmates with inspiring words. 讲话稿现复制于此,供大家欣赏!

上周六,上海大学为284名毕业生举行了告别仪式, 5月21日在圣母升天大教堂. 在一个美丽的仪式上, the Class of 2016 Valedictorian and Salutatorian addressed their fellow classmates with inspiring words. 讲话稿现复制于此,供大家欣赏!


欢迎政府, 教师, 家庭, 朋友, 校董会成员, 尊敬的来宾和各位毕业生.

祝贺你 ... 我们成功了!

我们熬过了这场闹剧, 测试, 项目和sat和大学申请的压力. Four years ago we walked through the doors of SHC “entering to learn” and now we’re standing at the precipice of “leaving to serve.但是leave to serve到底是什么意思呢? 你们,我的同学,教会了我这个问题的答案.  让我来告诉你怎么做.

我以一种不寻常的方式开始了高中生活:拄着拐杖. The summer before freshman year I fractured my fibula dancing and was not able to walk for the entire first semester. Although my situation was not at all as dire as those we have encountered over our four years of service, 是为了我. For one of the first time in my life I was put in the position of needing help with even the simplest of tasks ... needing to have my leg fixed so I could get back to doing what I love.

你们都迫不及待地介入了,但不是以我期望的方式. 你让我意识到“帮助”和“解决”这两个词并不恰当. Whether it was simply opening the door for me or carrying my backpack up the hill (getting a free elevator ride as a token of my gratitude), 你教会了我成为一个服务社区的一员意味着什么.

考虑到这一点, 通过雷切尔·雷门的话,我找到了自己经历的意义, 美国大学医学院教授.C.S.F.他写道:“当你伸出援手时,你会认为生命是软弱的. 当你修理的时候,你看到的是破碎的生活. (但是)当你为国家服务时,你会把生活看作一个整体. Fixing and helping create a distance between people, but we cannot serve at a distance. 我们只能为那些与我们有着深刻联系的人服务."

Each year we engaged in meaningful projects working to expand this web of interconnectivity between us to the larger community. 我们没有站在远处,我们交战了.

Lasallian Vincentian Youth provided us with countless opportunities for working together within the greater San Francisco community. 我深情地记得在服装义卖会上和一位女士的谈话, 谁和我分享了她的人生故事, 她的成功和失败. Her vulnerability opened my eyes and gave me layer of awareness that was as much as a service to me, 因为我们的衣服对她来说是一种服务. Through the Ven a Ver program we have come to understand more about the needs of marginalized communities. 从我们每天经历的城市到国外的国家, 比如智利, 我们不仅与我们所服务的人同甘共苦, 我们也发现了自己的一部分.  毕竟, 我们和周围的人没有什么不同, 我们只能通过我们的环境来区分.

从在圣. 安东尼基金会在我们大二的时候, to making loans to entrepreneurs across the globe through Kiva our senior year, 我们实践了服务使我们强大的格言, 还有其他人. 从服务的角度, we are all connected: All suffering is like our suffering and all joy is like our joy.

We may not have thought of it as service but over the years our class has served each over by sharing each other’s joy and suffering. 我们一起学习,一起玩耍,一起成长. We did not sit in empty classrooms, we were surrounded by our enthusiastic and engaged classmates. We didn’t play football, run track or swim alone; we were surrounded by our teammates. 我们的出版物是由创意人员制作的. We were not playing solos on the stage or reading monologues alone; we were part of the cast, 唱诗班, 乐队或管弦乐队.

我们严格的课程, 课余活动, Retreats, 和步行马拉松让我们成为一家人. 我们通过分享快乐来服务彼此.

In addition, the struggles of our community brought us together as agents for social change.  接受教育成了我们的战斗口号, 我们向老师展示了我们对他们的支持, who taught us never to forget to fight for love and justice for everyone in our community. 我们通过分担彼此的痛苦来服务彼此.

Our shared joys and sufferings have molded us into talented individuals but with this comes the expectation that we will be problem solvers ... that we will fix the inequalities of the world and that we will help people who can’t help themselves.

在我们这个复杂的世界里,有很多事情需要解决和帮助. 7人中.世界上有20亿人,其中10亿人生活在极端贫困中. Four hundred million of them lack access to essential health services and often do not have the clean water and food they need. Behind these statistics are real people—people who share our joys and sufferings simply because of our shared humanity ... 他们需要的不是帮助,也不是解决问题,而是服务.

Four years ago we walked through the doors of SHC “entering to learn” and now we’re standing at the precipice of “leaving to serve.” We have made an impact on the SHC community, now it is time to make a difference in the world. 我们不能站在远处,我们需要交战. SHC已经为我们做好了准备.

让我们打开通往未来的大门. It is right here and we, dear graduates of the Class of 2016, are ready.

祝贺你,祝你好运! 谢谢你!.


政府, 教师, 家庭, 贵宾, 校董会成员, 朋友和同学, good morning and welcome to the graduation of 圣心大教堂 Preparatory Class of 2016.

是什么将SHC社区联系在一起? 我们在布鲁斯-马奥尼比赛时都欢呼吗? 是因为我们都穿polo衫和卡其裤吗? 还是我们都讨厌绿色的日子? While these are all things students have in common, they aren’t at the heart of this community. 确定, we can all agree that the cookies were the best during our freshman year or that we sneak into the elevator when teachers aren’t looking. 但, 是什么让我们走到一起的, 以及最终将我们联系在一起的东西, SHC的座右铭是:进入学习, 留置服务.

我们即将开始我们人生的下一个阶段. 是的,这听起来很老套,但这是真的. What we do with the next four years will shape what our futures look like, 谁是我们的朋友, 以及我们的工作. 随之而来的是一种不确定感. 我要学什么专业? 我的教授会是什么样子? 我在大学的生活会是什么样子? 说实话,我也不知道答案. I’m in the same boat as all of you: excited, nervous, maybe even a little scared. 但在内心深处,我知道我们都准备好迈出这一步了.

我记得在我大三的时候, my English teacher said something I will never forget: “Instead of choosing what you want to be when you’re an adult, 在这个世界上选择一个你想解决的问题.” This completely changed my perspective of what my future would look like after SHC. 我原本设想自己上大学, and somewhere along the line I would have an epiphany to become a lawyer or a pediatrician. I already knew that I wanted to create spaces where people felt accepted and safe. So instead of worrying about how that would translate into a career, 我努力解决这个问题. 但在解决世界问题的梦想中,我并不是一个人. People in my class started talked about helping to create positive relationships between countries, 关于推动性别平等, 并致力于解决加州的水资源短缺问题.

我们都有梦想. 疯狂,神奇,美丽,是的,有时是不可能的梦想. 但梦想的美妙之处在于它们可以改变. So, 我们期待着明年的新室友, 参加方向, 或者只是在校园里消磨时间, 我鼓励你们都去梦想. And I don’t just mean taking a nap, though I will admit, naps are also very important. 我说的是你的抱负. 你想解决世界上的什么问题? 梦想成为一名吸引学生的老师, 梦想为无家可归的年轻人建造住房, 梦见在实验室里研究一种疾病的治疗方法.

Working towards those dreams is what makes the SHC community so unique. 我们不是被动等待别人采取行动的群体. 我们认识到言出必行的重要性. That is what makes each and every one of us a part of the 圣心大教堂 community. Whether it’s fellow classmates leading Kairos or helping to run our Kiva Carnival, 我们班已经开始为别人服务了. 我们不会等到大学毕业, 或者找到第一份工作, 或者租我们的第一套公寓, 帮助有需要的人. 我们是未来的工程师, 创造性的作家, 母亲, 父亲, 朋友 and mentors who will rise to the challenge of creating a better world for both ourselves and future generations.

所以保持你的幻想吧. 梦想你的生活, 关于你的朋友, 关于你想解决的问题, 然后朝着目标努力. 因为这就是我们离开服务的方式. 通过实现我们的愿望, 我们不仅会为我们关心的人服务, 但我们将为其他人树立榜样. 所以,感谢所有让我有梦想的人, and to the countless others who have helped make those dreams become a reality. 2016届的毕业生们,谢谢你们,祝你们好运.

